I'm overweight. I'm lazy. I'd rather be online than exercising. I also know I can be better.
I'm making a commitment to becoming a better version of myself and hope you'll join me on my journey.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
If you're actually following along, you'll notice that I haven't updated for a while. Life is busy and I apparently don't have it in me to focus on food and exercise right now. I'm continuing my break for a few more weeks as I will soon have 6 extra people in my home to share the holidays with my family. Look for more updates in 2010 because I AM going to succeed!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Week 9 Update
Not much to report this week, I've been up and down and eating like crap. Last week I had to eat several lunches out and didn't exactly keep track of my points like I promised to do. This week I'm back to my 0 points soup so hopefully that will help a little.
I forgot to weigh in on Monday, so this is based on Wednesday's weight but I'm finally down under 220! 218.5 to be exact. Even though I haven't been eating the best foods, at least I'm eating a little less. It's good to see the numbers dropping with as little effort as I'm putting into it. If I could just motivate myself I'm sure I'd see the pounds dropping off faster.
Week 9:
Loss - 2 pounds
Exercise - 0/3
I forgot to weigh in on Monday, so this is based on Wednesday's weight but I'm finally down under 220! 218.5 to be exact. Even though I haven't been eating the best foods, at least I'm eating a little less. It's good to see the numbers dropping with as little effort as I'm putting into it. If I could just motivate myself I'm sure I'd see the pounds dropping off faster.
Week 9:
Loss - 2 pounds
Exercise - 0/3
Thursday, October 1, 2009
So Much For September
Let's just say the month of September had a few setbacks, mainly in the form of surgery...to the abdominal area. That didn't exactly bode well for the whole idea of dieting.
After going to the doc for a regular check-up (and complaining about some pain I was having), my doc wanted to do some follow-up tests. What she found was a rather large cyst on my ovary that needed to be removed. I was scheduled for surgery a few days later.
I did a bit of stress eating, I'll admit. I needed comfort and I just wasn't going to deal without a few margaritas and a cheesy ginormous burritos from my favorite Mexican spot. Then I just kinda continued the debauchery.
Following surgery I couldn't eat a lot and it took nearly a week for my appetite to really get back to normal. Thank goodness for that because this whole thing could have ended much worse!
After two weeks of my mother-in-law's cooking and celebrating my hubby's birthday with cake several days in a row, I actually ended up about 2 pounds less than I was prior to surgery. With the up and downs that leaves me at a total loss of 8 pounds since I started. It's not a huge loss, but I'll take it. This week I'm just trying to make sure I eat light and only when I'm hungry. Next week I'm back to counting points and hopefully throwing in some light exercise as long as my doc approves it.
It's a new month and I think It's going to be a good one!
Week 7ish:
Loss - 2 pounds
Exercise - 0/3
After going to the doc for a regular check-up (and complaining about some pain I was having), my doc wanted to do some follow-up tests. What she found was a rather large cyst on my ovary that needed to be removed. I was scheduled for surgery a few days later.
I did a bit of stress eating, I'll admit. I needed comfort and I just wasn't going to deal without a few margaritas and a cheesy ginormous burritos from my favorite Mexican spot. Then I just kinda continued the debauchery.
Following surgery I couldn't eat a lot and it took nearly a week for my appetite to really get back to normal. Thank goodness for that because this whole thing could have ended much worse!
After two weeks of my mother-in-law's cooking and celebrating my hubby's birthday with cake several days in a row, I actually ended up about 2 pounds less than I was prior to surgery. With the up and downs that leaves me at a total loss of 8 pounds since I started. It's not a huge loss, but I'll take it. This week I'm just trying to make sure I eat light and only when I'm hungry. Next week I'm back to counting points and hopefully throwing in some light exercise as long as my doc approves it.
It's a new month and I think It's going to be a good one!
Week 7ish:
Loss - 2 pounds
Exercise - 0/3
Friday, September 4, 2009
Pre Labor Day Weekend Update
I've worked hard this week to drop those pounds that I re-gained last week and I did it! Now I have a three-day weekend at the lake to contend with. I'm not sure how well I can manage to control myself, but I'm going to try. I just have to remind myself that I can eat a little bit of what I want, just not a LOT.
As of today, I'm down a total of 7 pounds even with last week's blunder. It may not seem like a lot for nearly four weeks of dieting, but I'm proud of myself! I know if I would be a little more strict with my measuring and documenting I would be losing faster, but life is just too busy right now.
Next week we get into a new routine with my son starting preschool so maybe I'll manage to start getting up and exercising in the mornings too. I know I need to do it, I just can't seem to get myself out of bed in the mornings.
As of today, I'm down a total of 7 pounds even with last week's blunder. It may not seem like a lot for nearly four weeks of dieting, but I'm proud of myself! I know if I would be a little more strict with my measuring and documenting I would be losing faster, but life is just too busy right now.
Next week we get into a new routine with my son starting preschool so maybe I'll manage to start getting up and exercising in the mornings too. I know I need to do it, I just can't seem to get myself out of bed in the mornings.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Week 3 Update
I'm thinking a better title for this week's update would be "Margaritas and Diets Don't Mix." All you really need to know about this week is those five short words.
The last week was stressful. For one thing, my computer at work crashed and I spent all week trying to get it working and set up again. Then, I spent my only two free evenings doing a rush job on a design project that I had completely forgotten about. The kids were extra cranky too. When you add all that up I just had more stress than I could handle.
So, what did I do? Eat. Taco Bell, Sonic, El Maguay, late night nachos, and many, many, margaritas over the weekend all added up to putting 4 pounds back on. I almost refused to step on the scale this morning, but that would have been too easy. I needed to see that number come back up.
Today I had my very first mammogram. I wanted to reward myself afterwards with a Frosty to relieve my stress, but I didn't. I went back to work and didn't eat a thing. I did not give in to the craving and I'm so proud of myself for that.
I need to get those 4 pounds back off. It's going to be a rough week.
Week 3:
Loss - +4 pounds
Exercise - 0/3
The last week was stressful. For one thing, my computer at work crashed and I spent all week trying to get it working and set up again. Then, I spent my only two free evenings doing a rush job on a design project that I had completely forgotten about. The kids were extra cranky too. When you add all that up I just had more stress than I could handle.
So, what did I do? Eat. Taco Bell, Sonic, El Maguay, late night nachos, and many, many, margaritas over the weekend all added up to putting 4 pounds back on. I almost refused to step on the scale this morning, but that would have been too easy. I needed to see that number come back up.
Today I had my very first mammogram. I wanted to reward myself afterwards with a Frosty to relieve my stress, but I didn't. I went back to work and didn't eat a thing. I did not give in to the craving and I'm so proud of myself for that.
I need to get those 4 pounds back off. It's going to be a rough week.
Week 3:
Loss - +4 pounds
Exercise - 0/3
Monday, August 24, 2009
Week 2 Update
This week was easier in some ways and harder in others. I did really well keeping on track with my points up until the weekend. It is actually harder to eat well when I'm at home. I was craving some type of yummy baked good, so I made up some banana bread and didn't control myself very well. At 5 points a slice, it added up quickly. Next time I'll remember to make some healthier substitutions.
As far as exercise goes - well, it didn't. I should have made the time for it and I didn't. That's all there is to say about that. I know I need to find a way to fit it in. I'm thinking that I should start trying to fit it in during my lunch hour at work. That seems to be the only free time I have these days.
I started taking a multivitamin this week and I felt like I had more energy. Whether it was the result of the vitamin or a result of the healthier foods I've been eating, I don't know. What I do know is that I've been feeling better.
I must have been doing something right though, because I did manage to drop 3 pounds this week. Again, I would have liked to see more, but I know this is a healthier rate. I'm feeling more confident in myself this week and actually starting to feel like I can do this. Having the support of my husband really helps. We encourage each other.
Week 2:
Loss - 3 pounds
Exercise - 0/3
As far as exercise goes - well, it didn't. I should have made the time for it and I didn't. That's all there is to say about that. I know I need to find a way to fit it in. I'm thinking that I should start trying to fit it in during my lunch hour at work. That seems to be the only free time I have these days.
I started taking a multivitamin this week and I felt like I had more energy. Whether it was the result of the vitamin or a result of the healthier foods I've been eating, I don't know. What I do know is that I've been feeling better.
I must have been doing something right though, because I did manage to drop 3 pounds this week. Again, I would have liked to see more, but I know this is a healthier rate. I'm feeling more confident in myself this week and actually starting to feel like I can do this. Having the support of my husband really helps. We encourage each other.
Week 2:
Loss - 3 pounds
Exercise - 0/3
Monday, August 17, 2009
Week 1 Update
I made it through the first week. The exercising didn't go so well. The dieting went ok, until I gave in to the feeling that I needed to eat an entire horse (in the form of french fries and meatball subs) in order to be full! I kind of quit counting points all together this weekend which just wasn't a good idea. But, it's a new week and I'm determined to stick to it better.
The week was at least semi-successful though as I did still manage to lose 2.5 pounds. I should be happy with that, but I was really hoping for more.
Week 1:
Loss - 2.5 pounds
Exercise - 1/3
The week was at least semi-successful though as I did still manage to lose 2.5 pounds. I should be happy with that, but I was really hoping for more.
Week 1:
Loss - 2.5 pounds
Exercise - 1/3
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Willpower Is Not My Talent
Three days in and already I'm realizing I need to somehow find more willpower. It just isn't my thing. I did great of the first two days, even getting some exercise in on Day 2 (if you count Wii Tennis as exercise).
Today was a stressful day. My work computer has been acting up and we finally decided to replace the hard drive, which means I have to re-load my entire computer. Even though I brought my lunch, I had to use my lunch break to go buy the new hard drive and get gas for my car. When my mom suggested Red Robin for lunch I agreed, not thinking of the super fattening fries that would come with my chicken wrap. I couldn't resist having a few.
Then, after work we had to rush to swimming lessons and since my mom was joining us for dinner we ended up ordering Chinese food in. So much for counting points. I don't even know how many points I used up, so I guess I can just assume that my flex points for the week are gone.
The good news is that I stepped on the scale this morning (I couldn't resist) and it already showed a couple pounds gone. It may just be water weight, but it was encouraging to see. I'm anxious to see where I'm at come Monday, my weigh-in day.
Today was a stressful day. My work computer has been acting up and we finally decided to replace the hard drive, which means I have to re-load my entire computer. Even though I brought my lunch, I had to use my lunch break to go buy the new hard drive and get gas for my car. When my mom suggested Red Robin for lunch I agreed, not thinking of the super fattening fries that would come with my chicken wrap. I couldn't resist having a few.
Then, after work we had to rush to swimming lessons and since my mom was joining us for dinner we ended up ordering Chinese food in. So much for counting points. I don't even know how many points I used up, so I guess I can just assume that my flex points for the week are gone.
The good news is that I stepped on the scale this morning (I couldn't resist) and it already showed a couple pounds gone. It may just be water weight, but it was encouraging to see. I'm anxious to see where I'm at come Monday, my weigh-in day.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Starting Over
As the title says, I'm starting over. I don't know of a better way to keep myself accountable than to write about it here. I'm really not good at this whole diet/exercise thing, but I want to be. I want to find the motivation to make myself better. I want to be healthy. I just don't want to have to work so hard at it.
I'm adapting my "30 Days To A Better Me" plan. I initially planned 30 day increments with the idea of doing Jillian Michaels' 30-Day-Shred, but that didn't work out so well. For now, every 30 days will be a check-point of sorts. That will be the time that I stop, evaluate where I'm at, where I want to be, and how I can change my plan to fit my life better. I hope that will help to keep me from just giving up in frustration. I want my plan to be flexible, but I also know that it takes time to form habits.
As of today, Hubby and I are back on Weight Watchers. My weight has gotten out of hand (though really I just never lost the baby weight after having Evie) and he wants to lose some too, so we're doing it together. We need each other's support to stick to it. My long-term weight loss goal is to lose 60 pounds.
As far as exercise goes, the 30 Day Shred just isn't my thing. It's a good workout, but my knees apparently can't handle it. I still plan to work it into my routine, but it definitely won't be daily. I'm ready to jump into my EA Sports Active that I got for the Wii, and will probably rotate the two, along with some time on my treadmill. My initial goal is to exercise 3x a week. I know I should do more, but until I figure out how to work the time into my schedule, I need to start small.
Over in the sidebar, I've made new sections for "Goals" and "Accomplishments". I plan to update the accomplishments every 30 days in order to help re-evaluate my goals. I will most likely update the weight loss weekly, on Mondays (my WW weigh-in day). For the first time ever, I'm also going to measure my body and record inches lost as well. I'm hoping that will help motivate me as I watch them drop off.
I'll be updating here as I see fit, when I need a little motivation, or when I want to share my accomplishments. I really want to commit to this. I really want a healthier body and lifestyle.
Here's to my first 30 days to a better me!
I'm adapting my "30 Days To A Better Me" plan. I initially planned 30 day increments with the idea of doing Jillian Michaels' 30-Day-Shred, but that didn't work out so well. For now, every 30 days will be a check-point of sorts. That will be the time that I stop, evaluate where I'm at, where I want to be, and how I can change my plan to fit my life better. I hope that will help to keep me from just giving up in frustration. I want my plan to be flexible, but I also know that it takes time to form habits.
As of today, Hubby and I are back on Weight Watchers. My weight has gotten out of hand (though really I just never lost the baby weight after having Evie) and he wants to lose some too, so we're doing it together. We need each other's support to stick to it. My long-term weight loss goal is to lose 60 pounds.
As far as exercise goes, the 30 Day Shred just isn't my thing. It's a good workout, but my knees apparently can't handle it. I still plan to work it into my routine, but it definitely won't be daily. I'm ready to jump into my EA Sports Active that I got for the Wii, and will probably rotate the two, along with some time on my treadmill. My initial goal is to exercise 3x a week. I know I should do more, but until I figure out how to work the time into my schedule, I need to start small.
Over in the sidebar, I've made new sections for "Goals" and "Accomplishments". I plan to update the accomplishments every 30 days in order to help re-evaluate my goals. I will most likely update the weight loss weekly, on Mondays (my WW weigh-in day). For the first time ever, I'm also going to measure my body and record inches lost as well. I'm hoping that will help motivate me as I watch them drop off.
I'll be updating here as I see fit, when I need a little motivation, or when I want to share my accomplishments. I really want to commit to this. I really want a healthier body and lifestyle.
Here's to my first 30 days to a better me!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Shred - Day 0
So I'm a quitter. Somehow I managed to hurt my knee pretty bad and just couldn't bear the thought of working through the pain. I took a break to allow my knee to get back to normal and now I need to start Shredding again.
The only problem is I'm not sure if I hurt it while shredding or if I hurt it doing something else. I guess that just means I need to be more careful of anything involving knees next time around.
I'm going to start all over at Day 1 next week because as much as I hate getting up to exercise, I hate even more than I'm not doing it. If nothing else, starting out my day with a sense of accomplishment is worth it. Plus, I was actually starting to feel a difference in my body.
This time around I'm going to shoot for 5 days a week. If I try to do more than that I'm just setting myself up for failure because I know I won't do it. So, 5 it is. I can do 5, and maybe even a little Wii Fit in between.
I can do this.
The only problem is I'm not sure if I hurt it while shredding or if I hurt it doing something else. I guess that just means I need to be more careful of anything involving knees next time around.
I'm going to start all over at Day 1 next week because as much as I hate getting up to exercise, I hate even more than I'm not doing it. If nothing else, starting out my day with a sense of accomplishment is worth it. Plus, I was actually starting to feel a difference in my body.
This time around I'm going to shoot for 5 days a week. If I try to do more than that I'm just setting myself up for failure because I know I won't do it. So, 5 it is. I can do 5, and maybe even a little Wii Fit in between.
I can do this.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Shred - Day 9
So. Yeah.
So much for 30 days straight.
I did it for 3 days, took a day off out of exhaustion, shredded another day, took a day off for Mother's Day, took another day off because I was too tired. Plus, I was mad because I GAINED 1 1/2 pounds when I should have been losing.
On Tuesday I got up and Shredded again. Today? I slept in. I may make it up tonight if I can manage to muster up the energy.
So, I'm 5/9 so far. I really thought I could do this for 30 days but apparently I just don't have the drive. I'm not quitting though. I'm going to keep going. It may take me two months to complete the 30 Day Shred, but at least I'm exercising way more than I was before. It has to help, right?
Clearly, I need to re-think my goals a little. Exercising every day just doesn't seem practical for me right now. I know it's a bit of a cop-out, but perhaps 5 days a week with 2 days off would be a better schedule. I'll have to think about that.
I think the biggest hurdle in all of this for me is getting myself to bed at a decent time. If I get to bed early enough, getting up to work out isn't so hard in the mornings. From what I read, getting enough sleep will make the weight loss easier as well. I just wish I didn't have so much to do at night!
So much for 30 days straight.
I did it for 3 days, took a day off out of exhaustion, shredded another day, took a day off for Mother's Day, took another day off because I was too tired. Plus, I was mad because I GAINED 1 1/2 pounds when I should have been losing.
On Tuesday I got up and Shredded again. Today? I slept in. I may make it up tonight if I can manage to muster up the energy.
So, I'm 5/9 so far. I really thought I could do this for 30 days but apparently I just don't have the drive. I'm not quitting though. I'm going to keep going. It may take me two months to complete the 30 Day Shred, but at least I'm exercising way more than I was before. It has to help, right?
Clearly, I need to re-think my goals a little. Exercising every day just doesn't seem practical for me right now. I know it's a bit of a cop-out, but perhaps 5 days a week with 2 days off would be a better schedule. I'll have to think about that.
I think the biggest hurdle in all of this for me is getting myself to bed at a decent time. If I get to bed early enough, getting up to work out isn't so hard in the mornings. From what I read, getting enough sleep will make the weight loss easier as well. I just wish I didn't have so much to do at night!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Shred - Day 2
I nearly groaned when I got out of bed this morning. I stayed up too late and forgot to stretch out my stiff muscles before bed. But I got up and did the Shred again. Once I got moving the muscles didn't hurt too much but did feel a little weaker today. Even with the weakness I felt like I kept up better, probably because I knew what to expect this time.
I'm thinking I'll need to get up and move around a bit more at work today though to keep my muscles from tightening up too much. It was a bit of a struggle wrestling the kids around and getting them dressed this morning!
I'm thinking I'll need to get up and move around a bit more at work today though to keep my muscles from tightening up too much. It was a bit of a struggle wrestling the kids around and getting them dressed this morning!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Shred - Day 1
So, I did it! Two major accomplishments today:
The soreness started setting in about 12 hours later and now I'm getting rather stiff but I know that will go away in a few days. I'm just a little worried about how it will feel in the morning.
As far as my eating goes, I did ok today. I didn't count points but tried to keep my portions low and eat healthy foods (for the most part). I'll do better tomorrow.
- I got out of bed before 7:00
- I completed the first session of the 30 Day Shred!
The soreness started setting in about 12 hours later and now I'm getting rather stiff but I know that will go away in a few days. I'm just a little worried about how it will feel in the morning.
As far as my eating goes, I did ok today. I didn't count points but tried to keep my portions low and eat healthy foods (for the most part). I'll do better tomorrow.
Monday, May 4, 2009
30 Days To A Better Me
Tonight I found myself flipping channels just to see what I could find on TV when I came across the exercise On Demand channel. I was curious so I clicked on it and found the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
. I watched a little bit to see what all the hype was about and decided right then and there that I'm going to do it.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to get up early, get dressed, and SHRED!
I don't know why, but I'm finally ready. I'm motivated. I want to lose this weight and I want to do it the right way. I started Weight Watchers (again) today. I will start shredding tomorrow. This time I'm going to do it.
My immediate goal is to lose 20 pounds. As of this morning I weighed 224 pounds. I need to lose a lot more than that, but I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 30 days. I want to be healthier, for me and for my family. I want to have more energy. I want to be a better me.
I am going to do this. It starts now.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to get up early, get dressed, and SHRED!
I don't know why, but I'm finally ready. I'm motivated. I want to lose this weight and I want to do it the right way. I started Weight Watchers (again) today. I will start shredding tomorrow. This time I'm going to do it.
My immediate goal is to lose 20 pounds. As of this morning I weighed 224 pounds. I need to lose a lot more than that, but I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 30 days. I want to be healthier, for me and for my family. I want to have more energy. I want to be a better me.
I am going to do this. It starts now.
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