Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 9 Update

Not much to report this week, I've been up and down and eating like crap. Last week I had to eat several lunches out and didn't exactly keep track of my points like I promised to do. This week I'm back to my 0 points soup so hopefully that will help a little.

I forgot to weigh in on Monday, so this is based on Wednesday's weight but I'm finally down under 220! 218.5 to be exact. Even though I haven't been eating the best foods, at least I'm eating a little less. It's good to see the numbers dropping with as little effort as I'm putting into it. If I could just motivate myself I'm sure I'd see the pounds dropping off faster.

Week 9:
Loss - 2 pounds
Exercise - 0/3

Thursday, October 1, 2009

So Much For September

Let's just say the month of September had a few setbacks, mainly in the form of the abdominal area. That didn't exactly bode well for the whole idea of dieting.

After going to the doc for a regular check-up (and complaining about some pain I was having), my doc wanted to do some follow-up tests. What she found was a rather large cyst on my ovary that needed to be removed. I was scheduled for surgery a few days later.

I did a bit of stress eating, I'll admit. I needed comfort and I just wasn't going to deal without a few margaritas and a cheesy ginormous burritos from my favorite Mexican spot. Then I just kinda continued the debauchery.

Following surgery I couldn't eat a lot and it took nearly a week for my appetite to really get back to normal. Thank goodness for that because this whole thing could have ended much worse!

After two weeks of my mother-in-law's cooking and celebrating my hubby's birthday with cake several days in a row, I actually ended up about 2 pounds less than I was prior to surgery. With the up and downs that leaves me at a total loss of 8 pounds since I started. It's not a huge loss, but I'll take it. This week I'm just trying to make sure I eat light and only when I'm hungry. Next week I'm back to counting points and hopefully throwing in some light exercise as long as my doc approves it.

It's a new month and I think It's going to be a good one!

Week 7ish:
Loss - 2 pounds
Exercise - 0/3