Monday, March 15, 2010

C25K - Week 1, Day 1

I'm beginning to think that I should plead temporary insanity and call it a day today.  I decided to start the Couch to 5K program and nearly killed myself before 7:00 a.m. this morning.  You see, I am not a runner.  I absolutely loathe running.  It just is not my thing.  I could walk and walk and walk all day, but running and I just are not friends.

But, I need to get in better shape.  I need to lose weight.  I need a fast and effective cardio workout that I can do several times a week (preferably in my home).  Oh, and I also want to run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in August.  Yes, in August.  I'm giving myself some time to get ready.  It is my one goal for the year and I really don't want to fail.

I guess you could say I've been inspired by the many, many, women I've read about lately that have been competing in races all over and raising funds for so many great causes.  I've wanted to do Race for the Cure for years and always let it slip by without registering.  I always assumed that I would walk it, but for some reason lately I keep thinking maybe, just maybe, I could run it.  At the very least, I should be able to run part of it.  The thought of running in the August heat is a bit daunting, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Week 1, Day 1 - I got myself out of bed this morning at 6:15, got dressed, got myself to the treadmill, and celebrated that small victory with a drink of water.  Then it was time to start the hard part.  Amazingly, I made it through the first workout without too much of a struggle but it did get tough toward the end.  I'm thinking I may need to do the program a little slower and stretch each week into two weeks, but I'll wait to see how the week finishes out. The whole thing left me a little light headed this morning, but that may have to do with the lack of sleep I got over the weekend and the fact that I got up almost two hours earlier than my body is used to (thanks to the time change).

My biggest concern is whether I'm going to be able to transfer running on the treadmill to running on the streets.  The treadmill is my easy choice for early morning workouts since I have one at home.  My neighborhood is not the best for running/walking and definitely not a good choice before the sun comes up but I also don't want to have to drive somewhere to get a run in.  I know myself and if it's not easily accessible I won't do it.  I might be able to get an outdoor run in on the weekend, but also would like to stick to a MWF schedule.  I'm going to have to think about that one, but would love any input.


  1. I tried the C25K thing a few years ago and had to stop a few weeks in due to hip tendonitis. Ever since, I've always kinda wanted to re-start but never did. So many of my friends have had such success with it, though, and I must admit I felt great the few weeks that I did it. I tell ya what - as soon as my foot heals up from stepping on that dang belt buckle, I'll give it a try too and we can maybe support each other long distance - since I'm just as inclined to sit on the couch with a book or my computer instead of moving. (just don't tell Amy) :-)

  2. I am really sorry I never send that email to you - I wrote obliquely about it on my blog, but did not specifically talk to you about it.. I have to admit that I was not sure what to say. I thought again and again, "what was it for me that finally got my butt in gear with exercise?"

    Hands down, it is because my kids are older (no excuses) and because of our gym (again, no excuses.) When the kids were babies, it was harder to leave them, now it is not. And our gym is a place for our whole family, so it is super EASY for us to go there.

    So, make it easy on yourself - it sounds like having a treadmill is a great start! (I can't do treadmills)

    Also? If you find yourself having a bad week or so, where you slack off? Instead of beating yourself up about it, declare the next week to be a Jumpstart Week. I LOVE Jumpstart weeks - I purposefully make it a KICKASS week where I exercise 5 times a week to get back in the groove. Then, the next week, I can get back down to my 3-4 times a week routine, which seems EASY after the previous week of 5 workouts!

    Also, what has helped me stay in the groove is that I do what I LOVE - which is the elliptical and the track. I don't see myself becoming a dedicated runner because I don't enjoy long-distance running. I don't place that expectation on myself. I do plan on doing a few 5Ks this year, but I have no plans to be SERIOUS about it. ;-)

    But mostly, Dee - don't beat yourself up on Off Weeks. Seriously - it is damaging to your exercise psyche and will prevent you from getting back in the saddle. Just tell yourself your mama said their would days like this and that Sunday is a FRESH start. Mental attitude is everything - I have been consistently exercising since last JUNE and I know this has been key in helping my attitude.

    I will say THIS: Make sure you have good shoes! I went to the Nike outlet mall and tried on 7 different pairs and for each one, I jogged around the store. I realized how for so many years I had bought the shoes that I liked the LOOK of best. This time? I took home the ugly pair and MAN, my feet have really thanked me for it. I did not pay a fortune, either.


I love comments, but this whole thing is hard enough already. If you can't play nice, don't play at all. If you can relate to my struggle or have words of encouragement, please share!