Saturday, July 24, 2010

C25K - Week 9

Last Saturday I started Week 9, Day 1 of C25K.  I struggled a lot more than I expected to.  I couldn't believe that those extra two minutes would be that much harder, but they were.  I finished my run, fixed my kids some lunch, took a shower, and went back to bed.  I slept most of the afternoon away.

The next day I fell asleep at my sister's house, then noticed I had a scratchy throat.  By Monday morning, I knew something was really off.  I was sick. It got progressively worse through the week and I missed an entire week of running.

I got up this morning ready to get right back to it - Week 9, Day 2.  I really thought I had it in me, but apparently I was wrong.  I made it almost halfway through my run before I thought I was going to pass out.  I had to stop and walk most of the rest of it.  I did a couple short intervals, but just couldn't do it.  Apparently, I wasn't nearly as recovered as I thought I was.

I only have two weeks left to get ready for Race for the Cure and I'm starting to get a little afraid.  Right now I definitely don't feel ready.  I really hope by Monday I'm can get a full run in.  Two weeks is a very short time and I can't afford to miss any more runs being sick.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

C25K - Week 8, Day 1

I drove to three different stores last night, but I finally succeeded in purchasing a new treadmill. It took hubby and I nearly two hours to put the dang thing together, but I was so happy when it was finally done. Getting up to run this morning was actually pretty easy because I was so excited to try it out.

I hopped on, started up my C25K app, and started my warm-up walk. I was a little scared of the 28 minute run that starts up Week 8, but I was feeling motivated. It felt so good to run again. I can't believe how much my body has missed it over the last week. I didn't feel any lag until I was nearly at the 20 minute mark. At about 22 minutes in, I started getting tired and wanted to quit but I kept going. The last two minutes were pretty brutal, but I wasn't going to give up. I even increased my speed a bit in the last minute. It felt SO GOOD!

I'm beginning to think that my body is actually transforming. I love that instead of dreading a run, I actually look forward to running. Running has always been so difficult for me and this is amazing.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Little Snag

So yesterday morning I got up all ready to run.  I was feeling good and just knew I could rock my last Week 7 run.  And? I was doing fabulous.  I was feeling a little tired just as I hit the 20 minute mark.  I slowed down for just a few seconds to grab a drink of water, and that's when I felt the treadmill belt slipping under my feet.  I sped back up to get back into running speed and the belt was sliding all over the place.  I finally gave up and tried to finish my run by running small circles in my basement but it just wasn't the same.

After I finished, I took a quick look at the belt to find that it was buckled in the middle and bottom layer of the belt is shredding away.  Not so good.

I have two choices - replace the belt for about $90 or buy a new treadmill.  Neither option is really what I want to do right now, but if I'm going to be ready for my 5K, I'm going to have to choose one or the other.  I'm not very comfortable running on the road and there are no sidewalks in my neighborhood.  Plus, I'm on a very limited time limit in the mornings and can't really drive to find a trail to run.

For tomorrow I think I'll just get up and do a Wii Fit or EA Sports Active workout so I don't totally miss it and then try to get out for a run on Saturday when I don't have a time limit.  Hopefully by next week I'll have the treadmill issue worked out.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

C25K - Week 7, Day 2

I actually got up on a Monday morning and ran.  I haven't done that for a while.  Mondays have just been rough.  I'm feeling a new sense of commitment this week though, and I'm hoping to get 3 good runs in.  I may even get real adventurous and try to fit in some Wii Fit or EA Active workouts.  I'm seriously ready to do this thing!

Yesterday I started tracking my meals on Weight Watchers again.  I figure if I'm putting in this much time running, I should really be feeding my body better foods as well.  I definitely need to learn to bring some healthy snacks to work with me though.  I don't mind the smaller portion sizes at lunch, but it doesn't hold me over until dinner.  I find myself craving sweets in the afternoon and that just won't work.  I should have known this from previous experience, but for some reason forgot.

Along with starting Weight Watchers again, I'm forcing myself to drink more water.  This should be a given, right?  Unfortunately, I really struggle with the whole water thing.  I just don't like it.  I always drink water when I'm running/exercising, but when I'm sitting at my desk at work I just want my Diet Coke.  As of now, I'm allowing one Diet Coke a day, one Crystal Light or other flavored drink, and other than that it's WATER.  We'll see how long I can keep this up.

It's all just a mind over matter thing, right?  I can do this.  MIND OVER MATTER

Thursday, June 24, 2010

C25K - Week 7, Day 1

And back to the treadmill I go.  Running while on vacation didn't happen.  I'm not at all happy about that, but it is what it is and can't be changed.  Let's just say it was a bit difficult to take time out for myself when we were planning schedules for 9 people.  The days that I could have gotten up to run, I ended up sleeping in instead.  I was very tempted to hop on some gorgeous treadmills at the hotel on our last morning of the trip, but opted to take the kids swimming instead.  I'd say it was a good trade.

After we got back, I had a really hard time getting up early to run.  I overslept twice and only ended up getting one run in last week which was pretty grueling after nearly two weeks off.

This week has been a little bit better.  I didn't make it out of bed on Monday morning, but forced myself up on Tuesday and again today (Thurs) so I've gotten two runs in.  I started C25K - Week 7 today - 5 min warm-up, 25 min run, 5 min cool down.  My legs still feel a bit like lead, and I took it very slow, but I managed to complete the entire 25 minute run without stopping.  I was pretty impressed with myself considering I barely made it to 20 minutes on Tuesday.

Besides not staying on schedule with my running, I've also been eating like crap.  I really need to fix that if I'm ever going to lose any weight.  I know healthy eating will help me feel better and probably help with my stamina when running as well.  I just need to get my head in the right place and stop giving in to cravings.

I am starting to doubt my ability to actually complete the 5K in August.  I am officially registered for the Komen Race for the Cure now, and afraid that I won't actually be able to run the whole thing.  I'll finish it out walking if I have to, but I really was hoping to be better prepared by this point.  Taking the time off on vacation really hurt me I think.  I have 45 days left and in that time I need to at least double what I'm running right now.  Can I really do this?

Friday, May 21, 2010

C25K - Week 5

I haven't updated this week and I blame it on the fact that I'm disappointed in myself.  I didn't get up and run Monday morning like I should have.  I was tired, my blister and my shins were still hurting from the walk on Saturday, and I just didn't feel like getting up.

Tuesday I did get up.  I did my Monday run and I felt great.  I completed the Week 5, Day 1 run - 3 5-minute runs.  I was proud of myself, even though it was a struggle to get through the last bit of it.

I try to do every other day during the week, so I should have run again on Thursday.  Wednesday night, however, did not go as planned and I ended up staying up way too late so I didn't get up on Thursday.

Today though, I got up.  I didn't want to.  I even tweeted about how much I didn't want to run.  But I did it.  I freaked out when I looked at my C25K app and saw that I was supposed to run 8 minutes, walk 5, then run another 8.  How could I possibly do that when I struggled through 5 minutes of running the last time?  But you know what?  I did it and it actually seemed a little easier than the 5 minute runs.  I found myself having to really push at about the 2 minute mark and at about 4 1/2 minutes, but once I pushed through those it wasn't so bad.  I actually think I could have gone past the 8 minutes if I had wanted to.

I'm still amazed that I ran 8 minutes in a row (twice!).  A few weeks ago I really didn't think I'd ever get there, but here I am!

I haven't been updating me weight (sidebar) because I haven't really had much change there, but my body is changing.  My husband even commented that my stomach is looking smaller (unsolicited) and that made me feel really good because I had noticed that difference too.  I haven't really been watching what I eat, so that's the next step.  If I could control what I'm putting in my mouth, I think I would see a lot more difference.

Hillcrest 5K Benefit Walk

Last Saturday I completed my first 5K.  It was a walk, not run, but I still think it was beneficial in helping me realize just how far a 5K really is.  I'm still only doing a little under 2 miles on my C25K runs so I still have a ways to go.

Getting ready to walk for Hillcrest Tansitional Housing! #fb

My mom and I walked together and kept up a good pace the whole time. Unfortunately, I ended up with a blister on my toe and my shins were a bit sore afterward (I'm only used to the treadmill!). Otherwise, it went really well and now I'm even more pumped up for Race for the Cure! I think I've talked my mom into walking it, but I'm still going to attempt the run.  We're hoping to put a small team together for Race for the Cure and I can't wait!

Monday, May 10, 2010

C25K - Week 4, Days 1 & 2

So, since I posted that I was going to do one more Week 3 run on Saturday, I decided to just go ahead and jump into Week 4 instead.  I may have been a little unhappy that my kids decided to wake me up so early on Saturday morning and needed to run off some steam, maybe.

I actually did it though, shy of about one minute on the 3rd run when I thought my legs were just going to collapse underneath me.  I was pretty happy that I got that far though.  16 full minutes of running for someone who does not run is pretty impressive, even if I sliced a minute off.

This morning I forced myself out of bed for my second try and I did it.  I took a short 30 sec. break during the last 5 min run for a sip of water because my throat was way too dry (still dealing with a cold and sore throat), but I made up the 30 sec. on the end.  I'm pretty amazed that I pushed myself through even when I wanted to quit.

Every time I look ahead to the next week's workout I think there's no way I can do it, but then I move forward and I DO IT.  I am doing it, and it feels amazing.

Friday, May 7, 2010

C25K - Week 3 Continued

I haven't been updating here as often as I would like, but I also haven't been running as often as I would like.  I'm really not doing well sticking to my MWF schedule for various reasons (excuses?).  Even though this is titled Week 3 of C25K, I'm in my 5th week of actually doing it.  I'm just stretching things out a bit. 

The Week 3 runs were rough at first, but the last two that I did felt a little easier.  I even added on an extra 90 sec. run the last time.  I'm hoping to do one more Week 3 run over the weekend, then move on to Week 4 starting Monday.  I'm hoping to pick up the pace in the next few weeks and push forward a bit more, instead of stretching each week into two.

I did get slowed down a bit this week thanks to a lovely head cold my daughter passed on and some pain in my right knee.  I'm actually a little surprised that the knee pain held off for this long.  It isn't horrible yet, but I did notice it hurting more than usual so I'm trying to take it easy as much as possible.  I may need to find some strength exercises to help with my knees as they are probably my weakest point.

Monday, April 26, 2010

C25K - Week 3 - Day Off

I had to take an unintentional day off today thanks to a lovely stomach bug that hit me over the weekend.  Besides feeling like someone is stabbing me in the gut with a knife, it has left me super tired, given me a lovely headache and has my muscles aching.  I'm feeling a bit better today, so hopefully I can get back on track tomorrow.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

C25K - Week 3, Day 1

So, despite what I said in my last post, I got all aggressive this morning and decided to move forward onto C25K Week 3.  The first half went pretty well.  The second half made me say some not so nice words in my head, but I pushed and made it through.  When I hit those tough runs I start questioning myself, but so far I haven't quit.

I'm off schedule this week because I could not force myself out of bed on Monday morning.  I usually plan my runs for MWF, then an extra on Saturday if I can fit it in.  This week I've done T Th so far.  Amazingly, I actually missed my run yesterday.  I wish I would have gotten up and fit it in, even if it would have been a little harder without a day of rest in between.  Even though I'm struggling a bit with the runs, I feel so much better on the days that I get up and do it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

C25K - Backstepping

I finished Week 2, Day3 on Friday, but I'm still struggling with that last run interval so I think I'm going to repeat Week 2.  I'm getting all of the running in, but my body is screaming at me during the last couple of runs.  When I looked forward to Week 3, I just don't feel like I'm quite ready for it yet.  If I can, I'll push a little harder toward the end of the week.  I'm so terribly out of shape that I really feel like I need to take this slow.

Monday is generally my start day for the week, but I just couldn't get myself out of bed this morning.  I don't know whether to blame the busy weekend or the super strong antihistamine I took before bed, but my mind wasn't functioning enough to push myself out of the bed.  I'm a little disappointed in myself, but I know that I just have to catch up and go full force for the rest of the week.  I'll either make my run up tonight or tomorrow morning.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

C25K - Week 2, Day 2

I completed C25K Week 2, Day 2 yesterday and it was rough.  For some reason my legs just felt like lead.  I had to slow my pace down, but I did finish it.  Most days I feel good afterward, but yesterday I just felt tired and wiped out. 

I haven't been sleeping well this week and allergies have been absolutely crazy, so I'm blaming that for my lack of enthusiasm.  I sure hope it returns soon or I'm going to really have problems in Week 3!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

C25K - Week 2

Well, I made it through C25K Week 1 and even got an extra run in on Saturday that I wasn't planning.  It was definitely harder to make it through that 4th run though.  I think my body prefers to have a day of rest in between.

I started Week 2 on Monday and so far, it's going good.  My biggest struggle really is getting myself out of bed.  The last run interval was rough, but I managed to get through it even though I wanted to stop.  I just have to keep motivating myself so I don't give up.  I got this.

Monday, April 5, 2010

C25K - Week 1, Day 1 - Do Over

So I'm calling a do-over and starting from scratch.  I started this whole C25K thing with gusto.  I was ready to commit and I did great the first week.  Week 2 didn't go so well.  I had the best of intentions but I was tired and overslept on two of my run days.  I made up for one, but didn't catch the third one.  I had planned to do week two over the following week.

Sunday night, the one before I should have started my Week 3, I ended up taking my mom to the emergency room and was there until 2 a.m.  That didn't bode well for a 6 a.m. run.  Monday night I came down with some kind of horrible chill-inducing stomach bug, so a Tuesday morning run was out of the question.  Wednesday I finally started feeling better, but didn't make it up in time for a run.  Thursday was a sleep day, and Friday I had the kids home with me and there was no way they were going to give me 30 minutes to myself to run.

The whole week was just a mess.  I decided to give myself the weekend and start up again on Monday, going back to Week 1 workouts.

I did get out of bed this morning, as much as I didn't want to, and got my run in.  I bought myself some new running shoes over the weekend and it felt good to slip them on.  This week I am going to get at least my 3 scheduled runs in.  I might even do a couple extra if I can fit it in. 

I CAN do this. 

I WILL do this.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

C25K - Week 1, Day 2

As much as I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, I did.  It was a few minutes later than I had intended, but still plenty of time to get my 30 minutes in on the treadmill.  Week 1, Day 2 of C25K was much easier than Day 1 and there's a very good reason for that.  Apparently I jumped way ahead of myself and was running 90 sec at a time and walking 60.  I should have been running 60 and walking 90.  BIG difference!  Day 2 felt incredibly easy in comparison.

The other thing that made it easier, was that I discovered this awesome C25K iPhone app.  It is really easy to use and you can even build a music play list for your runs right inside the app.  Each week's run/walk increments are built right in with audio cues when you need to switch gears which is really helpful - no need to watch the timer.  I definitely would recommend it.  There is also a list of C25K podcasts available to download that tell you when it is time to switch to running/walking.  I haven't checked any of them out (yet) but if you don't have an iPhone or iPod, it gives you some other options.

I'm feeling really good about this whole thing today.  My leg muscles are starting to get a little bit sore/stiff but it's the good kind of soreness so it isn't really bothering me.  I plan on enjoying my extra 30 minutes of sleep tomorrow, but I'm actually looking forward to my Friday morning run now!

Monday, March 15, 2010

C25K - Week 1, Day 1

I'm beginning to think that I should plead temporary insanity and call it a day today.  I decided to start the Couch to 5K program and nearly killed myself before 7:00 a.m. this morning.  You see, I am not a runner.  I absolutely loathe running.  It just is not my thing.  I could walk and walk and walk all day, but running and I just are not friends.

But, I need to get in better shape.  I need to lose weight.  I need a fast and effective cardio workout that I can do several times a week (preferably in my home).  Oh, and I also want to run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in August.  Yes, in August.  I'm giving myself some time to get ready.  It is my one goal for the year and I really don't want to fail.

I guess you could say I've been inspired by the many, many, women I've read about lately that have been competing in races all over and raising funds for so many great causes.  I've wanted to do Race for the Cure for years and always let it slip by without registering.  I always assumed that I would walk it, but for some reason lately I keep thinking maybe, just maybe, I could run it.  At the very least, I should be able to run part of it.  The thought of running in the August heat is a bit daunting, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Week 1, Day 1 - I got myself out of bed this morning at 6:15, got dressed, got myself to the treadmill, and celebrated that small victory with a drink of water.  Then it was time to start the hard part.  Amazingly, I made it through the first workout without too much of a struggle but it did get tough toward the end.  I'm thinking I may need to do the program a little slower and stretch each week into two weeks, but I'll wait to see how the week finishes out. The whole thing left me a little light headed this morning, but that may have to do with the lack of sleep I got over the weekend and the fact that I got up almost two hours earlier than my body is used to (thanks to the time change).

My biggest concern is whether I'm going to be able to transfer running on the treadmill to running on the streets.  The treadmill is my easy choice for early morning workouts since I have one at home.  My neighborhood is not the best for running/walking and definitely not a good choice before the sun comes up but I also don't want to have to drive somewhere to get a run in.  I know myself and if it's not easily accessible I won't do it.  I might be able to get an outdoor run in on the weekend, but also would like to stick to a MWF schedule.  I'm going to have to think about that one, but would love any input.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dusting off the Treadmill

Saturday morning I woke up irritated.  My kids never sleep in long enough for me to get any benefit on the weekends and I was tired.  It didn't help that hubby and I had gotten into a semi-argument the night before just as I was trying to go to sleep.  I wasn't ready to face the day.

I reluctantly crawled out of bed, went to the bathroom for my usual morning routine, but stopped before getting in the shower.  Instead, I grabbed a sports bra, socks, and tennis shoes and headed for the treadmill.

I haven't used the treadmill in a very long time.  If it weren't for the occasional visit from my mother-in-law, I'm not sure the old thing would even function any more.  As it is, the display is hard to read (but does work if you can make out the dim numbers) and the belt has a couple of torn spots along the edges.  I did actually dust it a couple months ago and clear the cobwebs off, but there was a nice fresh layer of dust that needed removing.

Armed with my Zen and my iPhone to use for a timer (screw the dim, hard-to-read display on the treadmill), I climbed on the belt and started it up.  As I took the first few warm-up steps I slid on my headphones and cranked up the music.  I've had Tik Tok stuck in my head for days, so I put on some Ke$ha and started jamming. (No judging my choice of music here, the beat kept me moving.)

I figured 20 minutes was a pretty good goal considering the only exercise I've had for the last several months includes chasing around my two little monsters or making a mad dash through the grocery store.  Before I even bothered to check the time, I was already over halfway through.  A few minutes later and I had met my goal, almost effortlessly.

I'm not at all a runner, so I'll admit to walking at a fast pace for that 20 minutes but it was enough to get my out-of-shape heart pumping and break a sweat.  I only clocked a little over a mile, but it made me feel great.

I got off of the treadmill with my head held a little higher, the stresses of the morning a little lessened, and feeling a little bit invincible.  It's funny how such a small thing can make such a big difference in your day.

That's why I set my alarm clock a little earlier today and got up and did it again.  It was a great way to start the day.  I wasn't thrilled to get up earlier, but again, I felt great when I was finished.  I'm going to make it a goal to get up early at least 3 days a week from now on and visit my old treadmill.  Who knows?  Maybe it will end up being a daily thing.

I've been on this quest to simplify, to relax more, to find more "me" time during the day, and to achieve a healthier lifestyle, but I've only been taking a few very timid steps toward it. This is something I need, both for my physical health and my mental health.  That 20 minutes on the treadmill did a lot for clearing my mind.

Yes, it's another small step.  Yes, I've done it before and before long I've gotten tired of the routine and stopped.  I need to find a way to hold myself accountable.  Perhaps I should join a Twitter group or other online site.  I did check out the other day and it looks interesting.  Until I decide on something, putting it out here for everyone to see is a start.