Saturday, July 24, 2010

C25K - Week 9

Last Saturday I started Week 9, Day 1 of C25K.  I struggled a lot more than I expected to.  I couldn't believe that those extra two minutes would be that much harder, but they were.  I finished my run, fixed my kids some lunch, took a shower, and went back to bed.  I slept most of the afternoon away.

The next day I fell asleep at my sister's house, then noticed I had a scratchy throat.  By Monday morning, I knew something was really off.  I was sick. It got progressively worse through the week and I missed an entire week of running.

I got up this morning ready to get right back to it - Week 9, Day 2.  I really thought I had it in me, but apparently I was wrong.  I made it almost halfway through my run before I thought I was going to pass out.  I had to stop and walk most of the rest of it.  I did a couple short intervals, but just couldn't do it.  Apparently, I wasn't nearly as recovered as I thought I was.

I only have two weeks left to get ready for Race for the Cure and I'm starting to get a little afraid.  Right now I definitely don't feel ready.  I really hope by Monday I'm can get a full run in.  Two weeks is a very short time and I can't afford to miss any more runs being sick.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

C25K - Week 8, Day 1

I drove to three different stores last night, but I finally succeeded in purchasing a new treadmill. It took hubby and I nearly two hours to put the dang thing together, but I was so happy when it was finally done. Getting up to run this morning was actually pretty easy because I was so excited to try it out.

I hopped on, started up my C25K app, and started my warm-up walk. I was a little scared of the 28 minute run that starts up Week 8, but I was feeling motivated. It felt so good to run again. I can't believe how much my body has missed it over the last week. I didn't feel any lag until I was nearly at the 20 minute mark. At about 22 minutes in, I started getting tired and wanted to quit but I kept going. The last two minutes were pretty brutal, but I wasn't going to give up. I even increased my speed a bit in the last minute. It felt SO GOOD!

I'm beginning to think that my body is actually transforming. I love that instead of dreading a run, I actually look forward to running. Running has always been so difficult for me and this is amazing.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Little Snag

So yesterday morning I got up all ready to run.  I was feeling good and just knew I could rock my last Week 7 run.  And? I was doing fabulous.  I was feeling a little tired just as I hit the 20 minute mark.  I slowed down for just a few seconds to grab a drink of water, and that's when I felt the treadmill belt slipping under my feet.  I sped back up to get back into running speed and the belt was sliding all over the place.  I finally gave up and tried to finish my run by running small circles in my basement but it just wasn't the same.

After I finished, I took a quick look at the belt to find that it was buckled in the middle and bottom layer of the belt is shredding away.  Not so good.

I have two choices - replace the belt for about $90 or buy a new treadmill.  Neither option is really what I want to do right now, but if I'm going to be ready for my 5K, I'm going to have to choose one or the other.  I'm not very comfortable running on the road and there are no sidewalks in my neighborhood.  Plus, I'm on a very limited time limit in the mornings and can't really drive to find a trail to run.

For tomorrow I think I'll just get up and do a Wii Fit or EA Sports Active workout so I don't totally miss it and then try to get out for a run on Saturday when I don't have a time limit.  Hopefully by next week I'll have the treadmill issue worked out.