Showing posts with label race for the cure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race for the cure. Show all posts

Saturday, July 24, 2010

C25K - Week 9

Last Saturday I started Week 9, Day 1 of C25K.  I struggled a lot more than I expected to.  I couldn't believe that those extra two minutes would be that much harder, but they were.  I finished my run, fixed my kids some lunch, took a shower, and went back to bed.  I slept most of the afternoon away.

The next day I fell asleep at my sister's house, then noticed I had a scratchy throat.  By Monday morning, I knew something was really off.  I was sick. It got progressively worse through the week and I missed an entire week of running.

I got up this morning ready to get right back to it - Week 9, Day 2.  I really thought I had it in me, but apparently I was wrong.  I made it almost halfway through my run before I thought I was going to pass out.  I had to stop and walk most of the rest of it.  I did a couple short intervals, but just couldn't do it.  Apparently, I wasn't nearly as recovered as I thought I was.

I only have two weeks left to get ready for Race for the Cure and I'm starting to get a little afraid.  Right now I definitely don't feel ready.  I really hope by Monday I'm can get a full run in.  Two weeks is a very short time and I can't afford to miss any more runs being sick.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

C25K - Week 7, Day 1

And back to the treadmill I go.  Running while on vacation didn't happen.  I'm not at all happy about that, but it is what it is and can't be changed.  Let's just say it was a bit difficult to take time out for myself when we were planning schedules for 9 people.  The days that I could have gotten up to run, I ended up sleeping in instead.  I was very tempted to hop on some gorgeous treadmills at the hotel on our last morning of the trip, but opted to take the kids swimming instead.  I'd say it was a good trade.

After we got back, I had a really hard time getting up early to run.  I overslept twice and only ended up getting one run in last week which was pretty grueling after nearly two weeks off.

This week has been a little bit better.  I didn't make it out of bed on Monday morning, but forced myself up on Tuesday and again today (Thurs) so I've gotten two runs in.  I started C25K - Week 7 today - 5 min warm-up, 25 min run, 5 min cool down.  My legs still feel a bit like lead, and I took it very slow, but I managed to complete the entire 25 minute run without stopping.  I was pretty impressed with myself considering I barely made it to 20 minutes on Tuesday.

Besides not staying on schedule with my running, I've also been eating like crap.  I really need to fix that if I'm ever going to lose any weight.  I know healthy eating will help me feel better and probably help with my stamina when running as well.  I just need to get my head in the right place and stop giving in to cravings.

I am starting to doubt my ability to actually complete the 5K in August.  I am officially registered for the Komen Race for the Cure now, and afraid that I won't actually be able to run the whole thing.  I'll finish it out walking if I have to, but I really was hoping to be better prepared by this point.  Taking the time off on vacation really hurt me I think.  I have 45 days left and in that time I need to at least double what I'm running right now.  Can I really do this?

Monday, March 15, 2010

C25K - Week 1, Day 1

I'm beginning to think that I should plead temporary insanity and call it a day today.  I decided to start the Couch to 5K program and nearly killed myself before 7:00 a.m. this morning.  You see, I am not a runner.  I absolutely loathe running.  It just is not my thing.  I could walk and walk and walk all day, but running and I just are not friends.

But, I need to get in better shape.  I need to lose weight.  I need a fast and effective cardio workout that I can do several times a week (preferably in my home).  Oh, and I also want to run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in August.  Yes, in August.  I'm giving myself some time to get ready.  It is my one goal for the year and I really don't want to fail.

I guess you could say I've been inspired by the many, many, women I've read about lately that have been competing in races all over and raising funds for so many great causes.  I've wanted to do Race for the Cure for years and always let it slip by without registering.  I always assumed that I would walk it, but for some reason lately I keep thinking maybe, just maybe, I could run it.  At the very least, I should be able to run part of it.  The thought of running in the August heat is a bit daunting, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Week 1, Day 1 - I got myself out of bed this morning at 6:15, got dressed, got myself to the treadmill, and celebrated that small victory with a drink of water.  Then it was time to start the hard part.  Amazingly, I made it through the first workout without too much of a struggle but it did get tough toward the end.  I'm thinking I may need to do the program a little slower and stretch each week into two weeks, but I'll wait to see how the week finishes out. The whole thing left me a little light headed this morning, but that may have to do with the lack of sleep I got over the weekend and the fact that I got up almost two hours earlier than my body is used to (thanks to the time change).

My biggest concern is whether I'm going to be able to transfer running on the treadmill to running on the streets.  The treadmill is my easy choice for early morning workouts since I have one at home.  My neighborhood is not the best for running/walking and definitely not a good choice before the sun comes up but I also don't want to have to drive somewhere to get a run in.  I know myself and if it's not easily accessible I won't do it.  I might be able to get an outdoor run in on the weekend, but also would like to stick to a MWF schedule.  I'm going to have to think about that one, but would love any input.