Saturday, July 24, 2010

C25K - Week 9

Last Saturday I started Week 9, Day 1 of C25K.  I struggled a lot more than I expected to.  I couldn't believe that those extra two minutes would be that much harder, but they were.  I finished my run, fixed my kids some lunch, took a shower, and went back to bed.  I slept most of the afternoon away.

The next day I fell asleep at my sister's house, then noticed I had a scratchy throat.  By Monday morning, I knew something was really off.  I was sick. It got progressively worse through the week and I missed an entire week of running.

I got up this morning ready to get right back to it - Week 9, Day 2.  I really thought I had it in me, but apparently I was wrong.  I made it almost halfway through my run before I thought I was going to pass out.  I had to stop and walk most of the rest of it.  I did a couple short intervals, but just couldn't do it.  Apparently, I wasn't nearly as recovered as I thought I was.

I only have two weeks left to get ready for Race for the Cure and I'm starting to get a little afraid.  Right now I definitely don't feel ready.  I really hope by Monday I'm can get a full run in.  Two weeks is a very short time and I can't afford to miss any more runs being sick.

1 comment:

  1. are you getting better now? You may try Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( i know alot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it’s effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it’s still good to use on not so serious scratchy throat.


I love comments, but this whole thing is hard enough already. If you can't play nice, don't play at all. If you can relate to my struggle or have words of encouragement, please share!