Thursday, April 22, 2010

C25K - Week 3, Day 1

So, despite what I said in my last post, I got all aggressive this morning and decided to move forward onto C25K Week 3.  The first half went pretty well.  The second half made me say some not so nice words in my head, but I pushed and made it through.  When I hit those tough runs I start questioning myself, but so far I haven't quit.

I'm off schedule this week because I could not force myself out of bed on Monday morning.  I usually plan my runs for MWF, then an extra on Saturday if I can fit it in.  This week I've done T Th so far.  Amazingly, I actually missed my run yesterday.  I wish I would have gotten up and fit it in, even if it would have been a little harder without a day of rest in between.  Even though I'm struggling a bit with the runs, I feel so much better on the days that I get up and do it.


  1. I'm impressed! You are doing great. Please update with how you are doing and feeling. I've gained a lot of weight recently and I'm not sure what to do about it, since I'm still single and my Zac isn't old enough to be left alone in the mornings. Somehow I need to incorporate him into my workouts, but he has about as much interest in being outside and playing alone as I do running. Long way of saying - I'm very impressed at your motivation and think you are doing great!


  2. Oh, and I'm not pregnant. Just signed on with this google address so I could look at some private blogs. Just wanted to clear that up. Sometimes my Dad finds my comments and gets concerned.


I love comments, but this whole thing is hard enough already. If you can't play nice, don't play at all. If you can relate to my struggle or have words of encouragement, please share!